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Welcome to the Rabbi's Corner

Need to ask Rabbi Rothman a question?


The Rabbi is glad to assist you in answering questions of Halacha (Jewish law), questions in other areas of Jewish studies, life-cycle events or Shul life in general.

Feel free to call, email or text and Rabbi Rothman will respond to you as quickly as possible.

      One may call or text the Rabbi at: 416-876-0691

      An email can be sent to the Rabbi by clicking here

The Rabbi will respond to your call or message as quickly as possible. However, if your call or message is an emergency, please call rather than write.


A Variety of Rabbi Rothman's

Video Lectures and Online Articles.




1. Yom Kippur


2. Parshas Terumah


3. God Calls to Moses


4. Preparing for Passover


5. Parshat Ba'aholsecha 5777



New Articles


1. Coming Soon


2. Coming Soon


3. Coming Soon


4. Coming Soon



Past Articles


1. What’s Wrong with Intermarriage?


2. Marc and Chelsea's Wedding


3. The Red Tent


4. The Road to Divorce



Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784